Emergency Service Referendum
Frequently Asked Questions
What is this referendum about?
The Village of Belgium has joined with the Northern Ozaukee municipalities to staff Paramedics to serve our municipalities. The goal is to staff a paramedic round the clock by the end of 2025.
When will the Paramedic program start?
The program started in 2023. It was initially funded by an Ozaukee County grant. The grant funds are expected to run out in 2025.
What is the benefit of EMS Paramedic-Level Service?
Paramedics can perform more advanced procedures and administer medications that AEMT, EMT, and EMR cannot.
Why do we need a Paramedic program?
Having Paramedics staffed here in Northern Ozaukee County reduces response times and reduces the strain on dwindling volunteer staffs.
Why now, what has changed?
Ozaukee County has been 95% Volunteer based Fire and EMS. Increasing and aging population along with decreasing volunteers has taxed our Fire/EMS system. In the past Northern Ozaukee County has relied on Paramedics from Port Washington, Grafton, Mequon, and Thiensville Fire Departments. As call volumes increase across the county, response times increase due to lack of available paramedics.
Who is running the Paramedic program?
The Paramedics are hired and managed by the Fredonia Fire Department. The program is administered under an Intermunicipal Agreement that includes the Village of Belgium, Village of Fredonia, Town of Belgium, and Town of Fredonia.
Since this is a joint municipal program, how are the costs split between the municipalities?
The agreement has a formula for the distribution of costs. One third of the costs are based on Call Volume, on third is based on Equalized Values, and one third is based on Population. After much research and looking at many other intermunicipal Fire/EMS agreements, this was determined to be the fairest method for distributing the costs.
Why is the Village of Fredonia hiring and managing the Paramedics?
The Fredonia Fire Department has been the Ambulance provider for much of Northern Ozaukee County. They had the facilities, staff and resources to manage the Paramedic service.
Are the Paramedics on-call or in the station?
Paramedics are staffed at the station. We currently have about 60% of the schedule staffed with the goal of round the clock coverage by the end of 2025.
Does this mean we won’t need Belgium Rescue anymore?
No, Belgium Fire/Rescue will continue to operate as a first response Rescue Squad. Belgium Rescue will be dispatched to the scene and begin treatment. The Paramedic will be dispatched directly to the scene from Fredonia Fire Department. Transportation will continue to be provided by Fredonia Ambulance.
Does having two separate providers, Belgium Rescue and Fredonia Paramedic Ambulance cause problems?
No, both Fire/EMS departments regularly train together. Our volunteers and hired staff members are all highly trained and qualified providers that work together to provide the best possible care.
Will we still need to fund our Belgium Fire Department at the same amount?
Yes, this program will not replace or reduce any of our existing services.
Will this change our Ambulance service?
No, our current service provider for Ambulance services is Fredonia Ambulance.
Will this improve Paramedic/Ambulance response times?
Yes, in the last year we have already decreased average Ambulance response times by over two minutes.
How much will property taxes go up if the referendum is approved?
If the resolution is approved property taxes will increase about $47 per $100,000 of home value. If the referendum passes, it will cost the average Belgium household $2.54 per week. For less than one gallon of gas you can provide the highest level of emergency care available outside of a hospital setting.
How will the re-assessment of my property affect my taxes?
We have created a calculator that you can use to estimate how your taxes will change due to the property re-assessment. It also estimates your property taxes if the referendum passes. You can access the calculator on our website, www.belgiumwi.gov . If you are unable t access the calculator the staff at Village Hall would be happy to assist you.
What will happen if the referendum isn’t approved?
The Village of Belgium has committed to being a part of the program. If the referendum fails the Village will be forced to cut services, delay necessary infrastructure maintenance (such as roads), or take loans to cover the costs.
How can I get more information?
Visit the Village of Belgium Website and Facebook page. Attend public information meetings.